
Entos, an expert in ven­tilation solutions, relocated its units to Lahti because of the central location

The Mikkeli-based company Entos, which specialises in property heating, energy management and smart ventilation solutions, relocated its Joensuu unit to Lahti. CEO of Entos Aki Pohjalainen says that the central geographical location is of the utmost importance for the company’s growth and expansion to the inter­national market.

“Lahti is the gateway to our market area. Everything is within a short distance from here. There is no need to be based in Helsinki, where the costs are higher, when we can still be situated in a great location in relation to our customers,” says CEO of Entos Aki Pohjalainen regarding the reasons for the 40-year-old company’s relocation to Lahti.

Besides Entos’s headquarters in Mikkeli, Pohjalainen also works in the company’s facilities at Lahti Science and Business Park every week with Tommi Takamäki and Tomi Koivisto, who are in charge of sales.

“We previously also operated in Joensuu, but we found it to be too far away and not conve­niently located. I had been considering relocating to Lahti for a while, as Lahti is only a little over an hour away from Mikkeli. We have customers throughout Finland, and we can reach them easily from Lahti thanks to the smooth and quick transport connections. So why should our facilities be located to the side when we can be in the middle of things in Lahti,” Pohjalainen smiles.

“Lahti is the gateway to our market area. Everything is within a short distance from here. There is no need to be based in Helsinki, where the costs are higher, when we can still be situated in a great location in relation to our customers.” - Aki Pohjalainen

He also praises LADEC for playing a major role in the company’s relocation to Lahti.

“LADEC saw no problems anywhere, only matters that could to be resolved. Head of Client Management Marian Vainiomäki helped us find functional premises. She actively maintained contact with us and also helped us network locally. It was easy to jump in when everything was already set in motion for us,” Pohjalainen sums up.

Market potential in Europe

For Entos, which specialises in smart ventilation solutions, the most important customers include building managers, real estate companies, construction companies and cities, among others. Entos is seeking customers both in Finland and in the inter­national market. The company’s spearhead product is the TopAir ventilation solution, patented in 2016, which allows the ventilation solutions of old properties to be optimised to meet current energy efficiency requi­rements.

In addition to Finland, this solution for optimising property ventilation is also in demand in Western Europe in particular, as a large proportion of the building stock there is old.

“In old blocks of flats, the ventilation systems are tradi­tionally time-controlled to operate at certain times. The ventilation does not automa­tically react to the humidity or smoke caused by taking a shower or cooking, for instance, which prompts people to air out their flats by opening the windows and balcony doors. This in turn increases the property’s heating costs,” Aki Pohjalainen says.


CEO of Entos Aki Pohjalainen presenting the company’s spearhead product, the TopAir EC roof fan patented in 2016, which is a solution to the ventilation problems in old properties. The roof fan ventilates the property conti­nuously, according to the occupancy rate.

New technology provides fresh indoor air for old buildings

The TopAir products of Entos differ from other ventilation equipment: instead of using old-fashioned time control, they ventilate the property conti­nuously according to the occupancy rate, thereby preventing unnecessary consumption of heating energy. The threshold for purchasing the equipment is low, as real estate companies can enter into a leasing and maintenance contract for the equipment, thus avoiding ventilation renovation costs, which signi­ficantly increase the charge for common expenses payable by the share­holders to the real estate company.

“Functional property ventilation keeps the indoor air clean and fresh and also reduces the need for manual ventilation. Ventilation can also be enhanced during summer heat waves, when the occupants of blocks of flats suffer from sweltering nights,” Pohjalainen continues.


For Entos, the most important customers include building managers, real estate companies, construction companies and cities, among others. Entos believes that its spearhead product has inter­national potential, particularly in Western Europe, where a large proportion of the building stock is old. Pictured on the right is Sales Manager Tommi Takamäki.

Pohjalainen, Takamäki and Koivisto have full confidence in the success of the cloud-controlled TopAir.

“Right now, the situation is looking great. As soon as we really get the sales rolling, we will also recruit more employees. Inter­na­tio­na­lisation also requires more experts, which are readily available in the Lahti region,” Pohjalainen concludes.

“Head of Client Management Marian Vainiomäki helped us find functional premises. She actively maintained contact with us and also helped us network locally.”  - Aki Pohjalainen

Pictured in the top photo, from the left, are Tomi Koivisto, Aki Pohjalainen and Tommi Takamäki.

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