Services for investors
Lahti region – a playfield of opportunities
The Lahti region is one of the largest growth centres in Finland. The region’s location in the Helsinki metropolitan area, near a growing market, and the efficient logistics connections to the international and national markets make the region an interesting location for investments and new initiatives.
The growth of the region has been boosted by investments in such things as a university, the logistics zone along the Lahti Southern Ring Road on main road 12, new business areas and the development of the Lahti city centre, among other things. There are several investment and infrastructure projects underway in the public and private sectors alike.
Growing and evolving Lahti region
The Lahti region interests businesses
The confectionery producer Fazer is planning an enormous confectionery factory investment in Lahti. It will be the largest investment in the industry in years, with previous investments amounting to EUR 130–170 million! Some of the reasons include: excellent setting for employees’ smooth daily life; Lahti is easily accessible thanks to good transport connections; the land area is sufficiently large and facilitates the confectionery factory’s development; the Pippo-Kujala area is a good solution in terms of logistics and construction technology.
The story of the European Green Capital continues
Lahti took fourth place in a ranking of the world’s most sustainable cities by the Canadian media and research company Corporate Knights. Lahti ranked well in the following areas: Air quality and efficient road network | Water consumption | Amount of mixed waste | Adaptability to climate change. Read more (in Finnish)
Lahti is on CNN’s list of best destinations to visit for 2022
The reasons include nature, clean water and responsibility, among other things. CNN praises Lahti’s tap water and mentions Lahti’s status as the European Green Capital and that it is situated 100 kilometres from Helsinki. “The city is packed with beautiful forests, parks and reserves with incredible hiking trails and lookout points.” Read more
Among 100 forerunner cities
Lahti was chosen for the EU’s new 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030 programme. The chosen cities will receive tailor-made support for preparing and implementing Climate City Contracts. Read more

Relocation team at your service!
The Lahti All Inclusive relocation team will help you find suitable
• developments and investments
• business opportunities
• business networks and ecosystems
• startup communities
You will have access to a team of experts and a designated contact person. We will support your networking with businesses and higher education institutions in the Lahti region and help you form connections with other potential cooperation partners.
Lahti Region Development LADEC also provides support for changes of ownership when buying or selling a business.
Read about the change of ownership service.
Four reasons to invest in the Lahti region
Top location in the Helsinki
metropolitan area
Growth centre
Circular economy pioneer
University city
At your company’s service – contact us!